The Open Team
Open Team?
We humbly declare ourselves as an Open Christian Community, guided by the command of our Lord to be salt and light, as stated in Matthew 5:14-16. With hearts open and minds enlightened by His grace, we embrace transparency and authenticity in all that we do.
Our dedicated team comprises a diverse array of committed Christians who generously volunteer their time, energy, and resources to equip fellow believers for the bountiful harvest of souls. Recognizing the unique talents bestowed upon us by the Master, some among us serve as administrators, designers, leaders, marketers, teachers, and more. As we eagerly await His imminent return, we fervently pray and encourage one another to utilize these gifts bestowed upon us, to spread His love and fulfill His divine purpose in our lives.
Will You Join US?
New members are welcomed into our community as the Lord leads them to Open Christian University, whether they come seeking guidance or bring their own wisdom to share.
In our stewardship of these gifts, we do not seek compensation, for we labor not for OCU, but for the One who has called each of us. Therefore, we exercise our talents and resources through OCU as faithful stewards, seeking only to bless others in alignment with our divine callings. Do you resonate with these values? We warmly invite you to join us on this journey of faith.