Master of Christian Business Administration (MBA)

The Master’s Degree in Christian Business Administration prepares students for advanced professional competence in a Christian community with a focus on large Christian corporate organisations and Mega churches.

This program is a 45 semester postgraduate credits, offered entirely online and in a self-paced mode. Applications are received on a rolling basis, while prior learning may also apply as credits. Further program details are offered below.

Program Description

The Master of Christian Business Administration is designed for professionals whose career and management responsibilities exceed a single functional speciality, and who require higher levels of knowledge and skills in the field to sharpen their competency spectrum. The emphasis is on providing students with an interdisciplinary, integrated, and applied approach where complex organizational knowledge and managerial skills are mastered. This program objective is meant to provide an executive-level of critical thinking and systematic thought, team building, decision making, and leadership.

The curriculum includes pre-determined core courses with an emphasis on integrating theological concepts into the business sphere; a specialization track that focuses on the student's area of ​​practice and finally a research track culminating in a master's thesis. For purposes of this specilization, every student may opt for any combination of graduate-level elective courses to choose an academic concentration that fits their missional callings. Available specializations include:

  • Christian Entrepreneurship,

  • Workplace Ministry and

  • Church Leadership.

Every course has an emphasis on ethical business behaviour and conduct as well as responsible business practices in an increasingly pluralistic, global society. As with our other programs, there is a strong emphasis on Biblical values and Theological education. Courses in the Business major will be taught through the lenses of Christian principles.

Expected Learning Outcomes

Upon the successful completion of the Master’s Degree in Christian Business Administration the students should be able to:

  1. develop a Christian worldview in which attitudes and values are informed by Biblical standards

  2. have influence, success and a powerful witness in the business world by applying Kingdom principles and understand God’s plan for wealth transfer in the last days

  3. understand that marketplace ministry is the passion that starts when God connects their career, business, ministry and life purpose into one package

  4. have relevant knowledge, skills and tools to manage as Christians in a global economy

  5. be prepared for advanced Christian leadership positions in large Christian organisations and Mega Churches

  6. acquire a portfolio of managerial and financial skills and competencies for large Church organizations

  7. transform organizational culture and values, worldviews and mental models in a Biblical way and have sharpened skills in the theory, process, implementation and evaluation of strategic management

  8. understand income statements and balance sheets, and manage the budget and the cash flow of large Christian organizations

  9. understand the aims and functions of financial management, financial analysis, and the management of working capital

Program Pathways and Structure

A Master program at the Open Christian University is a 45-semester credits postgraduate undertaking. The MBA program is structured as follows:

  • 15 credits of mandatory core modules

  • 15 credits of specialization modules

  • 15 credits of postgraduate research

Who should pursue this MBA?

Successful applicants come from all walks of life, all over the world. They are teachers, doctors, engineers, marketers, psychologist, entrepreneurs, and accountants. We accept talented students looking to expand their knowledge base with applicable real-world experiences, and can demonstrate why the MBA from OCU is crucial for their divine callings in their professional success. Ideal applicants are emerging leaders and innovative thinkers who contribute unique perspectives to class discussions.

Admissions Requirements

Students wanting to enter the 45-credit Master’s Degree in Christian Business Administration programme must have completed a Bachelor's Degree or an equivalent of 120 semester credit hours. The following documents must be submitted to the office of admission:

  • A completed application form for admission

  • Copy of Previous Academic Qualifications and Official Transcripts

  • Applicant's Updated Resume/CV

  • Copy of National ID/Passport

  • Application fee

Required Courses

Management by Objectives

Everything Jesus did centered on the great purposes of God. This course analyzes Christ’s objectives for ministry and teaches students to institute management by objectives in their own life and ministry. Management By Objectives" is a method for conducting Christian ministry in an orderly, effective manner. It is not enough to just know God's will for your life and ministry. You must make definite plans to fulfill your spiritual calling. You must learn to work with God to fulfill His purpose and plans.

A serious problem with many Christian leaders is that of organizing and managing spiritual resources God has given them. If laborers for spiritual harvest are few, as the Bible indicates, then they should be effectively organized and managed. The discipline of organized planning for ministry in no way restricts the freedom of the Holy Spirit. It makes you even more sensitive because you make a conscious decision to seek God's purpose and plans. Your faith helps execute God's plan, as God always responds to faith in action.

This course will help you fulfill the ministry to which God has called you. You will formulate a purpose for ministry in harmony with God's purpose and plans. You will learn how to set objectives, implement plans, and evaluate results.


Upon completion of this course you will be able to:

  • Define "management by objectives.”

  • Summarize the Biblical foundations of planning.

  • Identify God's purpose.

  • Formulate a Statement of Purpose for ministry.

  • Set ministry objectives.

  • Organize spiritual resources to accomplish objectives.

  • Evaluate your activities to perfect your ministry.

  • Apply "management by objectives" in the local church.

  • Apply "management by objectives" in your personal life and ministry.

Master Thesis

This final course culminates the entire course of studies and research required by this program. This is a very involved endeavor and will require an undivided attention. The research project comprises two part—a quantitative and a qualitative research. Both parts must demonstrate doctorate level quality of work.

Student allowed choosing their own research topic and getting it approved by the Thesis Review Board. Upon the approval of the research topic, a proposal containing the first three chapters, table of content and partial bibliography must be submitted to The Thesis Review Board.

The Review Board will review the research proposal. The board will either approve it, approve it with recommendations, or denied it. If the dissertation is denied, a separate fee will be required for revisions.

Students are solely responsible to present the research project as required the first time to avoid any denial proposal and extra fee.

Upon the final review and grading of the final research project, the student will submit two bound copies to the school. One will be graded, endorse, and return to the student and one copy will remain the property of the school.

Apostolic Finance

This course discussed money matters in the God's kingdom. It would appear that the Bible condemns the accumulation of wealth. Many passages of Scripture seem to suggest that the accumulation of wealth is evil while being poor is virtuous. The Biblical perspective of money should present wealth in a different perspective.

The Bible distinguishes between the possession of wealth and love of wealth. Only the love of money is condemned. The love of wealth and desire to become wealthy brings a variety of negative challenges that have the potential to shipwreck one’s spiritual walk.

A person’s attitude towards money and generosity with one’s wealth are fundamentally conditions of the heart that have not changed since the ancient world. Regardless of our level of wealth, we are still expected to depend on God and not on money for our spiritual destiny.

God is not opposed to riches. In fact, He is the originator of financial blessings (Proverbs 10:22 ; Psalm 35:27; Genesis 13:2).

In this course, you will learn about money, its use and its link with the principles of sowing and reaping, giving. It will equip you with the mony's function in the marketplace ministry, detail the anointing to do business as well as biblical teachings on money in the last days.

Christian Entrepreneurship

Christian Entrepreneurship is foundational for bi-vocational ministers, new business leaders, church planters thinking like a business owner, business leaders, team members of a company, leaders of ministries, non-profits or churches.

This course is strategically placed as you begin your enterprise studies. If you are effective in your thinking as an Entrepreneur, you will likely thrive in whatever you do within your community.

For a bi-vocational minster, this book consists of a brief introduction to the basics of starting your own business, written in concise and simple language. The book emphasizes both traditional and social entrepreneurship as exciting paths for start-up entrepreneurs. With inspiring profiles of entrepreneurs whose work provides models of creative thinking and ideas that make a difference in the world, this book will help you follow your entrepreneurial passion! While some of the resources used are freely available and given by those who do not necessarily hold a Christian World and Life view, you should read them critically as some of the words or concepts presented will not necessarily reflect the doctrine or teaching of Open Christian Ministries. Some of the content contains profanity and we recommend that you DO NOT enroll in this course if you feel this may offend you. We are thankful that Marty Ozinga III is here as a Christian Businessman who promotes the Christian World and Life view.

Outcomes: for Christian Entrepreneurship: You will learn and grow in the following outcomes:

  1. Learning the basics of starting your own business.

  2. Learn about business or enterprise opportunity.

  3. Learn some of the critical aspects of team building.

  4. Gain valuable insights into entrepreneurial leadership.

  5. You will learn how to set up a simple business plant.

  6. You will learn the basics of setting up a company.

  7. You will engage alternative ways to structure your venture.

  8. You will be exposed to the wisdom of successful practitioners.

  9. You will learn the basics of money as a resource for your new enterprise.

Millions God's Ways

This course discusses a radical approach to accessing Kingdom wealth. If money is important to God, it must become important to us as well. But we must love God and not love money.

The anointing on our lives should be used to set people free from all sorts of bondages and to point them to a loving Savior.

There are many preachers who say they believe that God wants to bless and prosper us, but one often wonder why they use such an incredible amount of time and energy to lure the people into giving them their money rather than believing God to bless them.

If you are in financial trouble you will have to learn to sow yourself out of trouble. Always allow the Holy Spirit to lead you to sow to the right person or ministry. Never sow into ministries that ask you to bless them with finances, because most times it is done because of the emotion of the moment. When it comes to tithing, that money belongs to your local church and is not a seed, but an obligation you have to the storehouse that feeds you spiritually.

God commands the blessings. In other words, He commands others to give to you, because money does not fall from heaven.

This course shares a few vital secrets with you so that your financial situation can turn around. Many follow secular business principles, but when financial cycles ebb and flow many of these secular businesses go bankrupt.

That is the difference between Godly and worldly blessings, because worldly blessings are not cushioned against inflation and financial cycles of ups and downs that the markets experience.

Why is this course so important? We are living in the last days and the financial situation is deteriorating by the day. Nations are bankrupt. Banks are running out of money. There is financial chaos worldwide which means that individuals and business people will not be able to escape the financial chaos which is being experienced everywhere.

The Discipline of Giving

This course is built on the stewardship principle to edify the body of Christ.

You will learn abut the purpose in business success. Prospering in business enables us to provide for our families, employ good people, bless others in need, support our church through our tithes and give liberally to special and influential projects.

The course teaches about Giving God, FreeWill Offerings and Navigating the Controversies. The course also covers Tithes, Sacrificial Giving, Firstfruits Offerings, Almsgiving and pitches relevant Practical Research Findings.

Philosophy of Christian Morality

The most basic principle of the Christian moral life is the awareness that every person bears the dignity of being made in the image of God. He has given us an immortal soul and through the gifts of intelligence and reason enables us to understand the order of things established in his creation. God has also given us a free will to seek and love what is true, good, and beautiful. Sadly, because of the Fall, we also suffer the impact of Original Sin, which darkens our minds, weakens our wills, and inclines us to sin. Baptism delivers us from Original Sin but not from its effects—especially the inclination to sin, concupiscence. Within us, then, is both the powerful surge toward the good because we are made in the image of God, and the darker impulses toward evil because of the effects of Original Sin.

Ths courses will guide your reflection on the Practical responsibility of Christian, your Call to leadership, your Unique role and unique Expectations. You will learn and appreciate Morals from the laws for Ministers, discuss Relationship among Christian Leaders as well as discuss the Process for dealing with complaints of Ministerial conduct. The course will also cover a revealed morality divine gift and human response, The gift of the Son and its moral consequences and implications in the Pauline corpus and other letters; and eventually the final goal as the inspiration for moral conduct.